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Application of torque hinge

Publisher: Deta    Time:2021-9-22 14:53:07

With the development of science and technology, torque hinges of various styles and functions now give design engineers more choices, allowing them to provide more inspiration for their selection and design, and the touch and performance of the end product have more highlights!

Hinges can be seen everywhere in our daily lives, perhaps one of the most used parts in the world. This part looks sparse and ordinary, and the first impression it gives us seems to be very simple. But in fact, hinges are like the joints on the elbows and knees of the human body and play a vital role in the performance of the entire device!

The standard hinges on the market, namely hinges, can be flipped freely by hand, opening and closing without any resistance. This product is installed on the door and only serves as a connection. Leaving aside the hinge (hinge) that can freely turn the blades, a torque hinge with a built-in precision resistance structure is being widely adopted by more and more designers. As we see every day: the laptop screen can stay at any angle the user wants-the screen will not fall under the influence of gravity. Torque hinges are quietly changing our lives in today's industrial and consumer goods markets.

Using torque positioning hinges, designers may no longer consider gas springs that take up too much space, and can redefine the movement and position control of cabinet doors, display screens, and safety covers. It can even be said that all components that need to be opened, closed, and moved can be realized by torque hinges if positioning and moving speed are considered. Its significant advantages are reflected in the following aspects:

1. Position or angle control without additional support structure or parts;
2. When the door, panel, and cover are opened or closed, zero drift is realized;
3. Provide users with an intuitive damping texture to enhance the image of the terminal product;
4. There is no need to install other components such as gas springs, which can greatly save design space;
5. The factory presets the appropriate torque value, no additional regular maintenance is required;
6. The switch is smooth and smooth, without stagnation and jerky.

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