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What are the performance of the ball screw clearance adjustment method and comprehensive excellent c

Publisher: Deta    Time:2021-9-22 14:50:57

The ball screw ensures the reliability and sustainability of linear motion, but the requirements for accuracy are not the same in specific circumstances. The smaller the gap between the shafts, the higher the accuracy of the sentence can be guaranteed during the direction transmission. After all, it is the linear motion of the screw rod. In order to ensure its continued effectiveness, it is necessary to ensure high continuity during reverse transmission. When adjusting the gap of the ball screw, pay attention to these points.

1. Improve the stiffness of the rod pair

Generally speaking, the adjustment method of double nuts will be considered, so that the adjustment gap can be well controlled in a small range, but in this case, the rigidity of the rod pair is required to be high enough.

2. Adjust the preload

Excessive or too small preload will affect the driving torque, and the driving torque will directly affect the efficiency and the service life of the machine. Therefore, when adjusting the pre-tightening force, the maximum axial load must be considered, so as to ensure that the service life and efficiency of the ball screw will not be affected when the pre-tightening force is adjusted to control the gap.

As a transmission element, the ball screw has low friction resistance and high positioning accuracy, so it is strongly recommended for use in various industries. Especially used in modern industry, because the precision requirements are still relatively high, this kind of transmission element is popular for use. In addition, there are many types of such transmission components, which can be well adapted to various occasions. The comprehensive excellent characteristics of ball screws mainly include the following points.

1. High transmission efficiency

The frictional resistance is greatly reduced, so that the transmission efficiency of this transmission element is greatly improved. The main reason is that the rolling ball between the screw shaft and the screw nut has a higher motion efficiency when rolling. In this way, it can also save the use of electricity.

2. High precision

The ball screws are all produced in a consistent manner with mechanical equipment, so they can be more precise in the grinding, assembly and inspection environment during production. The control of humidity and temperature is also more careful, so the precision is higher.

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